
Wildfire preparedness efforts pay off

No one likes to see a wildfire threaten homes; however, when it does happen, it can be rewarding for the homeowner who has taken time to become more wildfire prepared. Such is the case with ...

Leave No Trace: Don't leave your home without it

An estimated 2 million visitors will drive, hike, camp, backpack, horseback ride, fish and more on the San Juan National Forest and area Bureau of Land Management lands this summer. In the f...

Don’t disturb wildlife during cold months

What an amazing mid-winter thaw! All this warm weather makes it hard to remember the preceding cold and snowy months of January and December and even early February. The deep snow and bitter...

Growing numbers of men jobless by choice or pain

WASHINGTON – The work ethic is such a central part of the American character that it’s hard to imagine it fading. But that’s what seems to be happening in one important part of the labor for...

Odd couple, but Trump should pick Mitt for State

Trump is Trump, meaning he moves easily from one position to another. And politics are politics. Things are said. Things are unsaid. WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump’s fl...

Pay little attention to all the post-election hype

WASHINGTON – Elections regularly inspire an orgy of hype – and so it is with this one. The Democrats are in disarray, it’s said. Unless they’re enormously skillful or lucky, they...

Living in a bubble even in a small town

In my small town in Southwest Colorado, those who did not vote for Donald Trump seemed numbed and stunned by the result. Mostly college-educated and originally from away, they grouped in the...

The journey from Utah to the Mancos in 1882

By MARY L. LAMB Part 1 We first came from Utah to the Mancos in 1882. There was quite a large party of us consisting of my mother, Mrs. Sarah C. Lee, known to all as “Grandma Lee,...

Conflict at Totten Lake in 1880s

By Mrs. Matt Hammond Editor’s note: Mrs. Hammond came to Dolores River with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon in July 1881. Mrs. Hammond’s, daughter, Rose Roelker, was inte...

Donald Trump actually right about building a wall

WASHINGTON – Just because Donald Trump isn’t qualified to be president – and just because much of his agenda is hateful and undesirable – doesn’t mean that everything he says is automaticall...

West Slope should not lose more water to Denver

By Mike Chiropolos It’s no secret that the Colorado River is the lifeblood of the Southwest, supplying water to 40 million people across seven states and Mexico. The river is also...

Is America poised for new era of labor scarcity?

WASHINGTON — Forget the “gig economy” – at least for now. On Labor Day 2016, we are in the midst of a historic transformation of the American job market. Popular attention focuse...