
Rankin: The legislative session and the accountability clock

This week will end the 2017 legislative session. While legislators are looking forward to the end of the session, the board of education is busy with decisions regarding our lowest performin...

Students and school districts benefit from testing

It’s spring and with it comes the time for testing. For many this is a dreaded time of year. For all, it is a time to take sample online practice tests and put on one’s thinking cap. Here’s ...

Change is hard, yet school failure is not an option

In a local control state like Colorado, local school boards usually make their own decisions about the allocation of funds and how best to serve students. We saw an example recently in Jeffe...

Education, from top down to bottom up

Thank you for the honor to serve on the state board of education for the 3rd Congressional District. I appreciate each and every one of the 194,116 of you who gave me your vote and support. ...

It’s time to resist federal control of education

By Joyce Rankin I received a letter from a student asking to limit the amount of testing required in high school. He was holding the federal government responsible for what is wro...

Legislative committees investigate school funding

The joint budget committee and the Senate and House education committees are holding a six-meeting series to investigate Colorado school finance in depth. I’ve been able to attend the meetin...