City staff getting fitter, healthier – and less costly

Many look at the New Year as an opportunity to resolve to lose weight or become more fit. For Cortez city staff, wellness is not just a consideration on a list of New Year’s resolutions, but...

Busy year ahead for city with water, other issues

New Year’s is traditionally a time to reflect on where we’ve been and contemplate where we are going. In that spirit, I want to share some city highlights for 2018 and provide a preview of 2...

Busy year ahead for city with water, other issues

New Year’s is traditionally a time to reflect on where we’ve been and contemplate where we are going. In that spirit, I want to share some city highlights for 2018 and provide a preview of 2...

Cortez Christmas kicks off with Parade of Lights

Hands down, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love the lights and colors, the decorations, music, food – the wonderful traditions — and even though it has been decades ...

Mayor Sheek: removing graffiti part of city’s cleanup plan

At council’s direction, Planning and Zoning has ramped up efforts in recent years to get property owners to repair or tear down unsafe structures, clean up property and remove weeds. ...

Sheek: A question of transparency

If you’ve ventured down the east side of Main Street, you’re aware that the median project has begun. When school starts this fall, students will be able to halt traffic going in one directi...

Summer plans and projects underway in Cortez

It’s been a busy few weeks in Cortez. On May 23, the results of a “Feasibility and Business Case Study” for fiber to the home (FTTH) were shared with the community, with several interesting ...

Sheek: Maintaining the beautiful landscape of Cortez

Spring is knocking at the door so it seemed appropriate to focus this month’s column on the city’s park superintendent, Mark Boblitt. Mark heads a crew of two full-time and seven...

Sheek: Spring is here and with it renewal and new beginnings

April began with a bang for the city, with a record turnout for the biannual city election. Cortez City Clerk Linda Smith was hoping 1,500 voters would turn out, and 1,509 ballots...

Sheek: Get informed! 2018 is the year of the mid-term elections

It’s the mid-term elections. The cycle begins with city/town elections on April 3, primaries in June, and the general election in November with candidates for county commission, state and fe...

Sheek: Cortez gets an updated, user-friendly website

At the Tuesday council workshop, Jon Brooks, Manager of Marketing and Events, unveiled the I had the privilege of getting a sneak preview to prepare for this column, and I must say that I ...

Sheek: Libraries change lives and strengthen communities

I am a retired librarian so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of my favorite places in Cortez is our local library. The libraries of today are very different from the ones many of us ...