
Water, special needs, private property on the docket

The first half of the 71st General Assembly is one-third of the way through. I have been successful on several bills so far. Three of my bills in one day has been the most. The on...

Trump’s two-track foreign policy may yield benefits

WASHINGTON — At the heart of Donald Trump’s foreign policy team lies a glaring contradiction. On the one hand, it is composed of men of experience, judgment and traditionalism. M...

Change is hard, yet school failure is not an option

In a local control state like Colorado, local school boards usually make their own decisions about the allocation of funds and how best to serve students. We saw an example recently in Jeffe...

The case of the cover-up in search of a crime

WASHINGTON — It’s a Watergate-era cliche that the cover-up is always worse than the crime. In the Mike Flynn affair, we have the first recorded instance of a cover-up in the absence of a cri...

There's a reason for constitutional checks and balances

By Carole McWilliams We seriously need some constitutional experts to give a primer to our so-called president and his minions after Himself's verbal attacks on individual federal...

Our recreation economy depends upon public lands and the president

We are fortunate to live in Southwest Colorado, surrounded by a rugged and natural landscape that provides us opportunities not seen in many parts of the country. Not only do visi...

Coram: Legislative session slowly ramping up

It seems to me as if the session just started yesterday, but the fact of the matter is, we are closing in on one month. It has been the slowest month I recall in my previous six years. ...

If you are ever going to need health care, pay attention

By Carole McWilliams It's time to pull away from the unfolding Trumpocalypse for a bit and see what Congress (remember them?) is up to. Most congressional Republicans...

While legal, travel ban unnecessary and damaging

“WASHINGTON — Stupid but legal. Such is the Trump administration’s travel ban for people from seven Muslim countries. Of course, as with almost everything in American life, what ...

Presidential immigration decree stirs dissent

By Carole McWilliams His Awesomeness has been very busy issuing imperial decrees since his Jan. 20 coronation. The one getting the most attention and heated response sh...

Busy times for new face in Senate

After a busy summer and a fast-paced fall, I am back at work in the 71st Colorado General Assembly. Things are a little different for me. I am missing a couple of my trusted frien...

Size definitely matters to our new president

By Carole McWilliams The good news about the Jan. 20 coronation of His Imperial Awesomeness is that once again, America had a peaceful transfer of power, despite the nastiness of ...