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Decision to haul Gold King Mine sludge raises questions

Critics fear move will impact upper Animas River aquatic life

Public suggests EPA has quantifiable goals for reducing mine pollution

Agency wants to mitigate 26 mines over five years

Cortez, Montezuma County compromise on cleanup day

County refuses to waive drop-off fees; city covers cost

BP fined $40,000 for 2016 spill into Sauls Creek

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission approves fine

Lawsuit against White Mesa uranium mill is dismissed

Judge in White Mesa case: Clean Air Act was misinterpreted

EPA removes mine waste it used to improve road near Silverton

Agency faulted for using potentially toxic material, not seeking approval

EPA seeks public comments on Gold King Mine project

Horizontal well to be drilled at entrance

EPA clears Towaoc Rec Center of asbestos contamination

Rec Center closed pending final repairs

Funding to reclaim abandoned mines falls short

Colorado programs have reclaimed 6,000 of 23,000 abandoned sites

NRC urges uranium miner to review all operations

Cameco spilled radioactive waste on highway near Blanding

EPA arrives in Towaoc for asbestos cleanup

EPA arrives for cleanup job

What the Navajo Generating Station will leave behind

The smokestacks of the Navajo Generation Station rise 775 feet from the sere landscape of the Navajo Nation in northern Arizona, just three miles away from the serpentine, stagnant blue woun...