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Larry Perino, one of the last Sunnyside Gold employees, announces retirement

Reclamation manager looks back at Silverton’s mining past

Winter weather forces closure of Gold King Mine treatment plant

Facility built to resist cold, but snowfall and avalanches become problematic

Sunnyside Gold says EPA should be recused from leading Silverton Superfund cleanup

Mining company says federal agency has conflict of interest

EPA places Silverton’s Superfund site on fast-track pilot program

Bonita Peak is 1 of 6 programs selected nationwide

White Mesa Mill accepts Cherokee Nation radioactive waste

But uranium shipment upsets Utes, environmentalists

Gas well leaks wastewater in Canyons of Ancients National Monument

Most affected soil removed after spill breaches tank, containment area

EPA: Gold King Mine spill had no immediate, long-term impacts

Study confirms other organizations’ findings

EPA’s quick-action Superfund plan receives flak from commenters

People say money could be better spent elsewhere

U.S. eases Obama-era coal ash pollution rules for utilities

DENVER – The Trump administration on Wednesday eased rules for handling toxic coal ash from more than 400 U.S. coal-fired power plants after utilities pushed back against regulations adopted...

Truck driver hauling sludge for EPA cited with careless driving

Vehicle went off road, crashed into Cement Creek on Monday

Decision to haul Gold King Mine sludge raises questions

Critics fear move will impact upper Animas River aquatic life

Public suggests EPA has quantifiable goals for reducing mine pollution

Agency wants to mitigate 26 mines over five years