4-H launches new year with many opportunities ahead

October is exciting as it kicks off our new 4-H year! We are working hard on planning new virtual and in-person events for our 4-H members and community members. In November, we ...

An elk hunter welcomes wolves

Reintroduction would restore the ecological balance

Walter Halls’ McElmo history

Editor’s note: Part 2 of Walter Hall’s McElmo History will appear in Looking Back article on Nov. 4.The first record of irrigation in McElmo Canyon was in 1888. Four ranches held this pr...

For young ‘explorers,’ learning comes naturally in the outdoors

By Mike Bienkowski San Juan Mountains Association It is early June, and we are five minutes into our first day of San Juan Mountains Association’s “San Juan Ramblers” n...

The passing of a Pueblo elder: Remembering Peter Pino

He deepened the understanding of Mesa Verde’s past

Building resilience in youths through innovative programs

When it comes to public health programming for youths, San Juan Basin Public Health focuses on the promotion of healthy behaviors as well as prevention, policy and system change. ...

Looking Back Gymnasium built by students and interested people

In 1919, it was decided that to have a more complete athletic program, a gymnasium was needed. Money for the gym was collected from pledges of students and interested citizens. Pl...

Fad diets: Let’s talk about paleo

What’s a fad diet? Are they good or bad? Could you tweak them to make them work for you? First let’s talk about the global $192 billion dollar weight-loss industry that not just ...

The Other Four Corners: High in the San Juan National Forest four counties meet

High in the San Juan National Forest, four counties meet

The pioneering Lyntons left imprint on Southwest Colorado

Editor’s note: This article was provided by Pat Castle. It was printed in Volume Four of Great Sage Plain to Timberline “Our Pioneer History.” Castle’s grandfather was James Earl Lynton,...

Don’t sell short the healing power of healthy food

Are you ignoring what your body is trying to tell you? The people I see in my nutrition practice experience a wide range of undesirable symptoms that prevent them from enjoying t...

Disability representations in television and movies

At the beginning of this pandemic, my friend and colleague Paul recommended a new movie on Netflix titled “Crip Camp.” I admit my first reaction was a shudder. Experience has sho...