Surprising and subtle effects of COVID-19

I was watching “The Crown” the other evening and for a split second thought, “Nobody’s wearing masks, and they’re all gathering too closely together!” It startled me that I’m so used to livi...

Writers on the Range: When water dries up, it can be deadly

In Oregon, the Klamath Basin wildlife refuges have fallen into their winter silence now. The huge, clamorous flocks of geese that fill the sky during migration have moved south. Last summe...

Mitchell Ranch in Cortez told secrets of a lost civilization

Early Montezuma County residents share history of the ancients

Lost and hungry scouts: A Mormon Christmas story

In 1879, four men navigated the treacherous canyons of Utah to establish Bluff

Make sure stress doesn’t throw away all your nutrients

Do this with me, breathe in deep through your nose and out slowly through your mouth. (Repeat three times.) It’s been a peculiar year to say the least! With the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Harrison Raine: Time to support wildland firefighters

By mid-September, there was no one left to call. The West, with its thousands of federal, state and local fire engines and crews, had been tapped out. Wildfires across the West had con...

The uprising of Polk and Posey in 1915

Shooting leads posse from Cortez on manhunt to Bluff City

Bears in the woods: Social distancing with big bruins

Social distancing is the best way to appreciate majestic bruins

The pioneers and outlaws of McElmo Canyon

Part 2 The first record of irrigation in McElmo was 1888, and four ranches hold this priority. Most all the McElmo Canyon ranches hold early water rights. About 1928, John Miller ...

Unlawful public lands head invites chaos

A Montana judge recently ruled the head of the Bureau of Land Management had illegally served as the agency’s director for more than a year. That’s a big deal, seeing as it is the...

4-H launches new year with many opportunities ahead

October is exciting as it kicks off our new 4-H year! We are working hard on planning new virtual and in-person events for our 4-H members and community members. In November, we ...

An elk hunter welcomes wolves

Reintroduction would restore the ecological balance