The age of happiness

Get this: Happiness among human beings peaks at age 23, tanks at 55, then peaks again at 69. So says a study by the Center for Economic Performance at the London School of Econom...

Don’t jump too quickly into Syria

There is little doubt now that President Obama is planning some kind of military response to what the administration says without equivocation was a chemical weapons attack by the Syrian gov...

Both sides play this game

Old joke: two cannibals are eating a clown and one says, “Does this taste funny to you?” In a case of life imitating joke, political partisans squared off in the case of the Obam...

Prevention helps children avoid sports injuries

School is back in session and children are back on the playgrounds and sports fields. They’re having fun, learning teamwork and getting exercise. And some of them will suffer injuries. ...

A kinder, more huggable Smokey Bear

THE WEST Smokey Bear just got another makeover. Instead of sternly blaming us for not preventing wildfires, he’s become a huggy, supportive bear, reports The New York Times. Douse...

Chilling news

SAN JOSE, Calif. — All I know about climate, some say, is what’s outside my window. Across much of California this is one of the coolest summers in memory, with temperatures wel...

House delays farm measure

Political posturing about who or what is delaying action on a much-needed farm bill came into sharper focus when the Republican speaker of the U.S. House refused to appoint members to a conf...

Why I sometimes long for the Cold War

I’ve been thinking about the sorry state of American culture, and that made me reminisce about the Cold War. You remember the Cold War. It brought us espionage, alliances with ch...

Stop trying to fry eggs on the sidewalk

THE WEST Sizzling, blistering, brutal: Whatever adjective you use to describe the West’s early-summer heat wave, it’s not strong enough. Normally cool places like Portland and Sea...

Where is the outrage?

Outrage seems to be lacking from the American public these days, despite a recent explosion of evidence that our Constitutional rights are being undermined. Former CIA and Nationa...

CMS now has a school garden

A school garden is born! With only a few weeks left until students once again fill the halls of the Cortez Middle School, assembly of the new school garden is underway. On Tuesday, Aug. 6, a...

Help for veterans always available

My wife, Sandi, and I recently returned from a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska to visit our son, Warren, who is stationed at Fort Wainwright with the U.S. Army. He and his wife, Bethany, were havi...