Some of us don't have a vote in LPEA board election

The annual LPEA board election is happening now, at least for some co-op members. Letters to the editor have become rather heated, especially regarding incumbent nine-year board member Jeff...

Saving Saguache: Life takes root in an old town

Set in the northern San Luis Valley, Saguache served as one of the early gateways to the San Juans and the Western Slope. When Durango was just a twinkle in railroad baron Gen. W...

Preventing, recognizing and treating skin cancer

We’re fortunate to live in an area that has many more clear days than cloudy ones. The bright, beautiful weather is one thing that draws people to live in the Four Corners, and anyone who h...

Looking Back Montezuma County’s rock stars of old

Cortez’s Colorado’s downtown is anchored by several historical stone buildings, erected from sandstone quarried nearby. They have stood the test of time for over a century.Sustainability is ...

Stop the war on future generations

Tuesday was Earth Day. For some of us, that's an occasion to recognize that the Earth is the only global life support system we've got, and we should treat her accordingly. For others, the E...

Blood and struggle in Ludlow

100 years ago, coal miners rebelled against dangerous working conditions

Congressional votes emphasize their party's priorities

Our worthies in congress are on yet another of their taxpayer-funded vacations. Before they left town, they busied themselves voting on political statements that have zero chance of becoming...

Supreme Court moves U.S. toward oligarchy

The pro-corporate majority on the U.S. Supreme Court took steps last week to move the U.S. still farther toward government of, by, and for the fat cats and big corporations (as if we aren't ...

On-job, training programs are win-win

Both on-the-job and apprenticeship training programs are available for veterans using their Veterans Administration education benefits, including the Post-9/11 GI Bill. These pro...

Feet deserve your attention, too

You can’t pick up a magazine, turn on the television, or go online without seeing something about keeping your heart healthy, your brain active, your gastrointestinal system functioning smoo...

Clothing 10 best list causes puzzlement

It's spring break time, so I'm taking the week off from political commentary. Gawd knows we need a break from politics! The magazine that comes with the Sunday newspaper had an it...

Veterans Forum How many cuts can the military withstand?

Every day, we hear about Congress and the budget battle and the proposals to balance the budget. This is a major concern for all U.S. citizens and affects each of us emotionally and politica...