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The latest line of defense against wolves on this Colorado ranch? Guard donkeys

Cattlemen say the burros’ tranquil demeanor can be deceiving

Cowbelle, Stockman of the year named at Southwest Colorado Livestock Association banquet

Don Tozer and Andrea Lindus take titles at this year’s Southwestern Colorado Livestock Association banquet

As Colorado warms, snow arrives later and melts earlier; soils, rivers and reservoirs face changes

Last six months of 2021 were hottest in state recorded history

What role can bison play in the future of sustainable ranching?

Operation in Hesperus models regenerative agriculture to guide a new generation of ranchers

Four Corners farmers say it was a good year, despite some setbacks

Market vendors report plentiful crops, but a lack of water and labor

Can Colorado become the leader in industrial hemp?

Gov. Jared Polis wants to make state a hub for production

Farmers Market: Fifth-generation D&S Farms grows vegetables on the Dryside

Breen-area farm also sells starts, herbs and flowers

Colorado court rejects animal cruelty measure opposed by farmers, ranchers

Initiative 16 heads back to the title board and its proponents for change

Drought saps agricultural economy in Southwest Colorado

Weak snowpack leaves McPhee Reservoir low for season

La Plata County farmers tighten belts during dry season

Snow-water equivalent at 31% of historical median

Seeking food security, some Durango-area residents turn to local farmers

Growers shift to direct-to-customer sales during pandemic

La Plata County residents turn to gardening amid pandemic

Food security concerns drive desire for homegrown produce