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Our air faces new rules

EPA plan could put counties out of compliance

Well venting presents health risk

Residents say more information needed

Ski towns back climate action

Snow lovers and the Durango City Council have called for tough action on climate change. The councilors signed a letter delivered to the Environmental Protection Agency's office i...

Well venting presents health risk

Residents say more information needed

Durango backs climate action

Council sends letter to EPA

White Mesa residents discuss radon ruling

EPA decides to eliminate emission standard

Mancos mercury hard to gauge

Contamination largely inside mill building

Mancos mercury hard to gauge

Contamination largely inside mill building

Western Excelsior promises dust reduction

Western Excelsior management promised during a contentious meeting with residents on Aug. 6 to have new machinery in place in three weeks that will reduce town pollution. The gro...

Red Arrow mill site cleanup complete

Workers remove 240 pounds of mercury waste

Western Excelsior faces flak over dust

Dust persists despite efforts to contain it

Officials updated on Sinclair fuel spill

Property owner opposes cartels