
Dolores River Festival is June 1

Lineup features funk, rock and country music

BLM plans prescribed burns planned near Dove Creek

The Bureau of Land Management Tres Rios Field Office plans to conduct prescribed fires on public lands about 7 miles east of Dove Creek this week. The 1,000-acre West Rim Pines Pr...

Dolores Public Library to host tree-growing workshop

The Journal Dolores Public Library will host a Tree from Seed Planting Workshop from 1 to 2 p.m., on April 20. Learn the basics of planting trees from seeds. Learn to ...

Dolores looks to bolster recreation economy

Ideas flow at workshop, including legalizing OHV use in town

Lower Dolores boatable even without reservoir release

Flows rise with runoff from above-average snowpack

Cortez woman pulls a big pike from Narraguinnep Reservoir

Cortez angler casts for records

Project Archaeology to offer workshop, scholarship

The Journal Project Archaeology is offering a professional development workshop at the Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center from June 10-13, in Dolores. Participants will receiv...

Parks and Wildlife researching walleye at Narraguinnep

Process would reduce sport fish’s threat to native species

Mountain Film heads to Dolores on April 19

Fundraiser will help finance annual Dolores River Festival

McPhee Overlook Trail to open part of trail

The Journal The McPhee Overlook Trail (FS Trail 155), located in the Dolores Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest, will open from the trailhead near town to May Canyon ...

Local business wins Small Business Administration award

The Journal Medved Global Inc., located in Dolores, was recently named the Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year. This firm was named the national winner in this category. ...

Reclamation to host public meeting on Dolores Project

The Journal The Bureau of Reclamation will host the 2019 operations meeting for the Dolores Project at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. in Dolor...