
Drop in test scores not the whole story

Dolores superintendent reports student successes

Ryan Mahoney to leave top post

Manager takes 'big city' job

School lockdown rattles Dolores

A man wanted for parole violation provoked the Montezuma County Sheriff's Office to temporarily lock down the school in Dolores on Friday. John Finocchiaro, 30, had eluded local l...

County moves to loosen DVP limits

Some structures could be allowed closer to Dolores River

Scenic Goose tour

Commission may loosen valley limits

Some structures could be allowed closer to river under revised version of Dolores Valley Plan

Escalante Days

Dolores bar scene hopping

Three drinking <br/>establishments<br/>set to reopen this year

Get ready for Escalante Days

Live music marathon a new feature of Dolores' popular summer festival

Motorcycle ballet

Vintage trials back for Escalante Days

New boating advocate promotes watershed approach

Lee-Ann Hill can talk river recreation, ecology and farming with equal ease and enthusiasm, making her a good fit to lead Dolores River Boating Advocates since all three topics make up the s...

Free and clear! Library retires building debt

It’s not every day that a public building is paid off. The Dolores Public Library building was a community project. Land and materials were donated, and many financial contributions were rec...