
Balcony House sunrise tour scheduled

For The Journal Mesa Verde National Park will offer a Sunrise Tour of Balcony House cliff dwelling on Oct. 12. Tickets will go on sale Oct. 1 at the Colorado Welcome Ce...

Star burns bright for 118 years

Dolores will continue to shine in The Journal

Community Calendar

Email announcements to and include “Community Calendar” in the subject field. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published. Entries...

Thanks for the help with school supplies

Montelores Baptist Church would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Wal-Mart Stores for their generous discount on the school supplies that we purchased there for donation to Ple...

Cultural specialist Simplicio to speak on Zuni migration

Dan Simplicio, cultural specialist at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, will speak on “What Happens When Migration Stops” on Thursday, Oct. 1, beginning at 7 p.m., at Crow Canyon. ...

Sage-grouse debate shifts to land use

BILLINGS, Mont. – Before the applause faded from the U.S. government’s announcement that there would be no endangered-species protections for the greater sage grouse, the criticism began ove...

Editor's note: Website consolidation coming Friday

To Our Readers, The consolidation of the Cortez Journal, Dolores Star and Mancos Times picks up momentum this week and culminates on Friday, Oct. 2, with the first issue of The Jo...

Editor’s note: Website consolidation coming Friday

To Our Readers, The consolidation of the Cortez Journal, Dolores Star and Mancos Times picks up momentum this week and culminates on Friday, Oct. 2, with the first issue of The Jo...

Bears football dominates Newcomb 42-0

Pejsa racks up 16 tackles; Medina scores 3 touchdowns

Bears shake off rust

Volleyball wins first game in nearly two weeks

Thin XC team runs at Ridgway

Two varsity runners finish 13th and 27th


Football Friday, Sept. 25 @ Salida at 7 p.m. Volleyball Thursday, Sept. 24 @ Norwood at 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26 ...