
Dolores girl keeps birthday promise to Cortez Animal Shelter

Jordan Lansing, who hopes to become a vet, donates each year to animal shelter

Lewis artist shares beading expertise at Dolores library

Lewis artist presents beading classes at Dolores library

Lone Mesa to install wildlife cameras

Baseline data key for recreation planning

Photo: Wind-powered skier

Grantiply coaches grant-writing for nonprofits

New service develops project, messaging

Registration is underway for 2017 birding festival

Registration for the 13th Annual Ute Mountain-Mesa Verde Birding Festival, May 10-14, is underway. Twenty-five tours led by experienced birding guides take participants to birding...

Dolores to open infant-toddler center

Grants, tuition allow school district to add 16 kids to its student body

Mountain Film coming to Dolores

Event is a fundraiser for Dolores River Festival

Expert on bullying to speak at Dolores High School

Speaker will be at high school April 11

Boating season begins early as McPhee Reservoir fills

A boating release on the Dolores River below McPhee Dam will begin earlier than expected, water managers announced Monday. A warm March has started the runoff early into McPhee Re...

Peewee wrestlers tussle in Dolores tournament

Tournament involved Dolores, 10 other clubs

Peewee tournament draws 479 wrestlers to Montezuma-Cortez High

Wrestling tournament draws 479 wrestlers to Montezuma-Cortez High School