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GST gives $10,000 to Cultural Center

Dolores Liquors hopes others donate too

Young eagles are spreading their wings

80 Years Ago

Child Killed Sun. Truck Overturns The seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kisling was instantly killed and several people were seriously injured Sunday afternoon about 4:30 o'c...

Faces in the Crowd: The Triplets

Do you have a Faces in the Crowd to submit to the Dolores Star? Please send it to news@cortezjournal.com. Be sure to include "Faces in the Crowd" in the email's subject line, a short descrip...

40 Years Ago

1975 Hunting Seasons Set Pending a review of the length of seasons and bag limits by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Colorado Wildlife Commission has tentatively approved ...

Ride the Ancients to be Oct. 11

A rite of passage for road cyclists is completing a "century" - 100 miles in a day. That opportunity has arrived locally with the inaugural Ride of the Ancients on Oct. 11. ...

Elder is named Ranger of Year

Park manager credits volunteers, seasonal staff

County gets new bus

Two Dolores icons close up shop

Hollywood Bar, Naked Moose are out; franchise may be in

Hiker rescued near Stoner Mesa

Three-day search involved multiple agencies

Helping out

The search begins