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Durango High School student’s dance moves go viral

A Durango High School student’s dance moves caught the attention of Denver and Albuquerque TV stations this week after a video of the performance went viral. Adam Kalk, a sophomo...

Paralyzed Dolores athlete finds new purpose on slopes

Former Dolores wrestler and football captain learns to monoski

Affordable housing waiting list to open for new applicants

Disabled residents will be able to apply for a single day

Groups plan how to help those with special needs during emergencies

Response plans must consider foreign speakers, people with disabilities

Colorado offering free sign-language interpretation services

Two-year pilot aimed at rural areas

Pet or service animal? The distinction matters

Lax rules allow people to claim special status for their pets

Dove Creek skier is inducted into Hall of Fame

'Ski racing ... allowed me to meet others with disabilities and see their success'

Mancos AgrAbility workshop helps farmers get a grip

State organization offers advice for aging farmers

Ag Expo gives kids their moment in Cortez arena

Inside Dog days: Trainer leads herding classes, trials. 1B Workshop: All-day seminar gets into the weeds. 1B Online Video: Watch videos from the e...

Legislation attempts to curb ADA lawsuits

Businesses report being coerced into settlements

Student honored by Center for Native American Youth

Noah Blue Elk Hotchkiss named Champion for Change

DAV planning new outreach center

Office would assist veterans with benefits