
Pueblo Community College welcomes Lisa Snyder as new executive dean

Snyder has worked in education for over 20 years

Colorado teachers union backs LGBTQ+ inclusion in public schools

CEA initiative comes after report says 85% of educators are not ‘out’ at school

Four counties qualify for Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Credits

The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade updated the list of qualifying counties for Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone. This continues to include Archuleta, San Juan,...

Southwestern Colorado Livestock Association prepares for annual raffle and banquet

Banquet and meetings Feb. 11 will feature policy discussions, crown Stockman and Cowbelle of the Year

Mustang Camp wins award for best illustrations in children’s book

New York collaborator is on the board of the New Mexico camp

Montezuma County Visitor Center and Museum will be closed after Feb. 18

The Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum's last day open to the public will be Saturday, Feb. 18 before they close for up to three months to repair and stabilize the center’s fl...

Four counties qualify for Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Credits

The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade updated the list of qualifying counties for Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone. This continues to include Archuleta, San Juan,...

‘Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family’ to open at the Farmington Museum on Feb. 2

A comprehensive exhibition on tyrannosaurs makes its appearance at the Farmington Museum, 3041 E. Main St., Feb. 2 through April 26. “Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family” explores the most feare...

Tulli Kerstetter of Mancos wishes to thank snow removal crews

I just wanted to let all those hard workers with trucks large and small know how much I appreciate your exceptional efforts at clearing the many roads, highways, and driveways over these pas...

Our Planet Live in Concert at the Farmington Civic Center will feature narration from William Shatner

William Shatner has signed on to provide special co-narration with David Attenborough for the all-new concert tour, “Our Planet Live in Concert.” Based on the Netflix original documentary n...

Mancos Middle School honor roll

Quarter 2 High Honors are awarded to students who have obtained a 4.0 GPA or higher: Eighth grade: Oliver Higinbotham, Chelsey Kramer, Michael Krupa and Sophia`Dainty-Guilfoyle. Seventh grad...

Applications are available for the County Sheriffs of Colorado Scholarship

County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc. will award a $500 scholarship to a Montezuma County student next spring. Scholarship announcements have been mailed to all high school offices in the eligi...