Sheek: A question of transparency

If you’ve ventured down the east side of Main Street, you’re aware that the median project has begun. When school starts this fall, students will be able to halt traffic going in one directi...

Gerson: Feds should take note of prison reform successes

WASHINGTON – An administration not known for policy creativity is unlikely to have useful internal policy debates. But in the Trump administration, prison reform is a welcome exception. ...

Left’s anger may well hand Trump a second term

WASHINGTON – Democrats have a new theory for how they can win back Congress and the White House. Just like “soccer moms” helped put Bill Clinton in the Oval Office in 1996, and “NASCAR dads”...

The coal mines of Montezuma Valley, from Mesa Verde to Mitchell Springs

Growing up in Cortez, we always had heat in the house. There was the cook stove – the Warm Morning – maybe the pot belly stove for heat, but I never asked where the coal came from. When a lo...

Samuelson: Why our neo-isolationism will not work

WASHINGTON – As we near July Fourth, America has taken a turn for the worst. The great delusion of Donald Trump’s presidency is that we can thrive by embracing nationalism even though major ...

Samuelson: History of 1930 tariff legislation is haunting

WASHINGTON – The ghost of Smoot-Hawley seems to haunt President Trump. You will recall that Smoot-Hawley was the sweeping tariff legislation that Congress passed and President Hoover signed ...

Saying goodbye to Kat

I had to say goodbye to a friend today, and I’m not sure how I’m doin’ just yet. Katrina, Kat for short, was a big beautiful bay mare. Registered paint, “breeding stock.” She was...

Parker: We must invoke philosophy of compassion

WASHINGTON – Is there a psychiatrist in the house? Like so many Americans, this columnist longs for the voice of another, the great and good Charles Krauthammer, who died last wee...

Samuelson: Consequences of unraveling trade rules unclear

WASHINGTON – The escalating trade war between the United States and China poses crucial, though unanswerable, questions: Is this the beginning of the end of the post-World War II internation...

Parker: Nukes for condos in North Korea?

WASHINGTON – Well, it happened: The president and the dictator met, shook hands, looked each other in the eye, smiled for the cameras – and lied through their teeth. The visuals, ...

Summer plans and projects underway in Cortez

It’s been a busy few weeks in Cortez. On May 23, the results of a “Feasibility and Business Case Study” for fiber to the home (FTTH) were shared with the community, with several interesting ...

Mancos man’s father helped build Durango, brick by brick

Father’s Day is special for most of us, but for one son, it has a particularly deep meaning. When writers start a story, they never know what threads will weave together. I though...