How you can help prevent food poisoning

“From farm to plate, make food safe” was the theme of this year’s World Health Day. On Tuesday, the World Health Organization highlighted the importance of food safety. Because th...

Change your nature to gain control over want/sin

Human misery stands a good chance of lasting as long as the sun shines until people decide that their want no longer matters enough to control life. Hear these words from the Book...

Leave them alone: Helping baby wildlife can kill

By Maureen Keilty Living with Wildlife Advisory Board You see big eyes, a thin coat of shivering feathers, and your heart tells you, “Help me, I’ve been abandoned!” How...

Early delights: Asparagus, garlic

With the (early) arrival of spring so comes the flowering shrubs and trees – forsythia, plums, apricots and crabapples – as well as the initial vegetable growth from asparagus and garlic. ...

Rushing to a conclusion smothers seeds of New Life

Premature convergence. That was my take-away from a training I recently attended. While it is not a phrase I’d heard before, I recognized it immediately – in myself. Premature con...

Some like it hot Soaking up the history at New Mexico’s Ojo Caliente springs

On frigid winter days with long winter nights, there’s nothing like a soak in a natural hot springs and one of the most historic in the Southwest is at Ojo Caliente, N.M. Pioneeri...

TABOR squeezing Colorado recovery

This might be the year for Colorado taxpayers to take a serious look at the TABOR (Taxpayers' Bill of Rights) Amendment that voters put into the state constitution in 1992. Along ...

Christmas trees have uses after holidays

’Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the tree lot, many creatures were stirring and wondering, “What?” What to do with these trees that now have no home? Could we find them a place...

Young farmers plant seeds for success

Way back when – perhaps the late 1990s – I wanted to be a farmer. I was close to getting mybachelor of science degree at Montana State University and was taking those “fluff” cla...

Christmas trees have uses after holidays

'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the tree lot, many creatures were stirring and wondering, "What?" What to do with these trees that now have no home? Could we find them a place...

Make A New Year’s resolution that will last a lifetime

By Mary Dodd Now that the holidays are over, the new toys have lost their novelty, and some New Year’s resolutions have already been broken, make a resolution that will last your ...

Living in Christ in the community of Church

I’ve been asked more than once by members of the congregation I serve to video my sermons and put them on our website. When I decline, they often ask if I wouldn’t just post the texts on the...