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Mesa Elementary nominated for sustainability effort

Re-1 schools cut energy use by 25 percent

Brewmaster wins Cortez Idol contest

He sings in the shower. He sings in the car. He signs while making beer. Branden Miller, however, had never sung on stage until eight weeks ago after being encouraged to enter th...

Mancos Valley Lions Club is named Citizen of the Year

For the second year in a row, the Citizen of the Year Award couldn’t be bestowed on just one person. At a ceremony on Thursday, the fire chief presented The Mancos Valley Lions C...

Lions Club named Mancos Citizen of the Year

For the second year in a row, the Citizen of the Year Award couldn't be bestowed on just one person. At a ceremony on Thursday, the fire chief presented The Mancos Valley Lions C...

Governor honors Ute architecture

Ute Mountain Utes among the groups honored by historic preservation award

Utes plan incentive program

High school students with 3.0 GPA could be rewarded with trip to Washington

Mystery of lost war medals is revealed

With tears streaming down her face, Ester Reed gently placed her fingers on a display case of military honors awarded to her long-lost love, Robert M. Williford. "Bob was the love...

Mystery of lost medals revealed

With tears streaming down her face, Ester Reed gently placed her fingers on a display case of military honors awarded to her long-lost love, Robert M. Williford. “Bob was the love...

Mystery swells for decorated war hero lost at sea

Medals discovered in Arkansas tied to WWII submariner from Cortez

College honors Mancos native

Humiston leads rural development for ag department

Ballantines receive award from Crow Canyon

Distinguished Service Award given for decades of support

Mancos native honored by alma mater

Glenda Humiston served in administrations of presidents Clinton and Obama