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An Artilleryman’s Memorial Day

I observe the anniversary crawl near, a guerilla action of memory as past arcs in time, Marches ago, a distant trajectory, a short round the crime. In unsuspecting hours if truth be told, a...

Editorial cartoon

‘Feels eerily like precursor to Germany’s ultimate invasion’

Slightly more than two years ago, Russian military troops invaded Ukraine. Thus far, the U.S. and many other countries have provided billions of dollars in aid to the Ukrainian people. The E...

MAGA engaging in ‘religious, political hate speech’

Various anti-hate campaigns in the media today fail to mention the biggest hate movement of all, the one currently sponsored by far-right Republicans against Democrats. Republicans have inci...

Oppose Dolores monument: ‘Leave it unique’

I oppose the Dolores River Canyons National Monument proposal. You’re welcome to explore off the beaten path, uncovering hidden gems, escaping the hustle of your everyday life. You’re welco...

Our View: Durango’s shady, green East 3rd Ave. median to become a rarity

Law restricts nonnative planting, watering of ‘nonfunctional turf’

‘Please, America. Stop being blindly tribal in politics’

Political parties seem to be increasingly hijacking whatever garners votes and keeps them in power. So-called “patriotism” and the U.S. flag have nearly become more symbolic of right-wing ex...

‘When you vote, keep eye on prize’

Fallacy No. 1: Lifetime terms lead to fair, honest judges. As we see with some U.S. Supreme Court justices, lifetime terms actually lead to much greater corruption, more decisions unfair and...

‘Not understanding how women prefer depraved, demented old guy as Trump’

Now, I’m a guy and don’t understand women, something two former wives and a daughter have frequently told me. But listening to President Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union Address and fol...

‘More than new immigrants who are better off’

The local Republican Party leader said that only illegal aliens were better off now than when Joe Biden took office. That man is so wrong. During the last three years, unemployment has dropp...

‘Conservation should come from locals most affected’

I write to you as a concerned citizen, who has been actively involved in rallying opposition against the proposal of the Dolores River Canyons National Monument. Since February 20, our petit...

Editorial cartoon

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