Smashing a hit

Collision kills motorist

Judge calls mistrial in Dolores court

Potential juror in Dolores' first trial in 15 years saw reporter's copy of sheriff's office report

McPhee Reservoir operations meeting

The Bureau of Reclamation will hold an operations meeting Tuesday May 6 at the Dolores Community Center at 6:30 p.m. Topics of discussion will include a summary of the 2013 operat...

McPhee inspections could lose funds

Reservoir vulnerable to invasive mussels

Few firms join health exchange

Small businesses cite restrictive rules

Montezuma County Sheriff Blotter

Theft April 16 5:37 p.m.: A sergeant was asked to speak with a woman wanting to report a theft occurring off of Highway 491. When the sergeant contacted her she said ...

Farm co-op receives $48,500

Grant helps with distribution costs

Sanitation demands answer from Candelaria

Jim Candelaria has until the close of business Monday, April 28 to decide whether to complete his term on the Cortez Sanitation District or continue his campaign for Montezuma County commiss...

A cup of coffee and a word of thanks go a long way

Cup of Joe for a Joe program gives overseas troops a break

Hanold resigns from Chamber

Seven-year tenure saw improved tourism

Local Gun and Sportsman Show a 'can't miss' event

Vendors, car show among attractions