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‘In a democracy, vermin vote!’

Here comes 2024 – a pause to consider next steps forward. For me, I want to take those next steps with love on my mind and in my heart as my first strategy for moving ahead. In that place I...

‘Well-crafted management plan’ for natural areas

I was surprised to learn from April Baisan’s recent column in The Journal and The Durango Herald that there is no management plan for Cortez’ Carpenter Natural Area and, I assume, the adjace...

‘Down-ballot, Republican candidates actual targets’

Donald Trump lost Colorado by 13.5 percentage points in 2020. Since then, our state has continued to be Californicated as neo-liberals from around the country have flooded into my state, tur...

‘Thank you, Oregon, for Christmas gift’

Thank you, Oregon, for your Christmas gift. On Dec. 17, wolves arrived from Oregon and were released into the wild of Colorado. In a world where humans and our domestic animals comprise 96% ...

‘Rule of law, rule of Democrats’

The Colorado Supreme Court, which is filled with Democratic Party appointees, has ruled that Donald Trump cannot run for president. To make this decision, the court had to hold that Trump co...

‘Saying his own mother is poison?’

Donald Trump and his family are poison. We are all immigrants except the Native Americans. Trump says that immigrants are poison for our country. What a lie. Both sets of my grandparents we...

‘Genocide is not self-defense’

In order to counter the dangerous narrative that Israel’s violence against Palestinians is simply self-defense, it’s important to plainly state the facts of Israel’s genocidal intent. Avi Di...

‘Time to fire the holdover leadership’

Recently, The Durango Herald reported on the transition from the San Juan Basin Public Health Department to the “new” La Plata County Health Department. The interim director said: “Almost al...

‘Give businesses a place to grow’

Thank you for your article on Wednesday on making it work in Durango. One thing that jumped out was the role good paying jobs can play in helping to live here. I am the CEO of a small manufa...

‘10,000 children’s bodies too late’

After two months of indiscriminate, illegal, immoral bombing, Joe Biden is finally showing a little concern for civilian casualties in Gaza. Biden, you are 10,000 children’s dead bodies too ...

GOP ‘to tear down democratic way’

The news that our local Republican leader Shelli Shaw refused to sign off on the November election results does it for me. It cements my opinion that this Republican Party is out to tear dow...

‘Whining about ‘bad wolves’ again’

Give me a break, cattle growers. You’ve been on government dole for decades, running your stock all over our national forests and Bureau of Land Management public lands. Vicious government, ...
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