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‘Drunken on individualism, we no longer can muster civic devotion’

There are private subcultures in American life that act like political subdivisions of the state and nation. They demand independence and status as sovereign entities in our society. One suc...

Sports: ‘Too much made of equipment changes? Perhaps’

Nuance in today’s sports? Unlikely. American athletes in recent years have gotten stronger and more massive. Just take a look at towering college women basketball players and mountainous NFL...

Hunting is a valuable tool in managing lions

Asking the public to decide if it’s a good idea to ban hunting mountain lions and bobcats is no way for a state to run its wildlife agency. We all have opinions, but most of us aren’t expert...

Kudos to M-CHS Choir

Kudos to the Montezuma-Cortez High School Choir. My family and I were fortunate enough to be in the auditorium for their performance of the “Star-Spangled Banner” on May 11 during the Pueblo...

Mercy Hospital reduced to ‘corporate medicine’

The letter put forth by Catherine Winchester concerning the general influence of Centura Health-CommonSpirit was interesting. The evidence is now clear that what was once a robust “Regional ...

Editorial cartoon

‘Coexist with wildlife? People have gotten far far from nature’

Wildlife populations have always changed and adapted. Sometimes populations grew until they surpassed the carrying capacity of the land. An extremely hard winter, several years of hard winte...

Colorado legislation ‘safety clause’ being overused

What is this “safety clause” used at the end of our Colorado legislation? It is attached to the end of a bill, which in essence prevents Colorado voters from reviewing the bill. The verbiage...

Optometrist wants community to ‘see’ him as the right Empire Electric Board candidate

I am once again running for the Empire Electric Board of Directors. As a retired family optometrist and a longtime resident of our community, I hope you may “see” me as the proven choice to ...

Pickleball net at Santa Rita Park kept kids from playing basketball ‘outside’

While walking on our river trail past the basketball courts on May 4, I noticed a large group of young kids (counted 30) trying to play basketball. There was a pickleball net set up stopping...

‘Staggering’ salaries for health care execs

In 2021, CommonSpirit/Centura paid its top three executives $17.3 million, $14.6 million and $5.4 million, respectively. They also paid more than $1 million to more than 25 other executives ...

‘Reflect on profound impact mothers have’

As Mother’s Day draws near, in all probability like many of you, I have begun walking down memory lane. Yes, it’s a time to ponder the incredible impact our mothers have had on our lives. I ...
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