40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 21, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors
Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 21, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

The business climate during the second quarter of 1973 was a bright one statewide as reflected by retail sales statistics showing $2.8 billion in sales, an increase of 14.6 percent over the same period a year ago. However, Montezuma County showed a 5.1 percent drop in retail sales for the same period.

Of the states 63 counties, 55 recorded sales gains in the second quarter over 1972.


Mr. and Mrs V.T. Boyd announced last week that they have purchased Tade's Department store here. Mrs. Boyd and her daughter-in-law will operate the business. They plan to sell all the old merchandise on hand and completely restock with all new apparel.


Dr. David Herrick and Dr. H.A. Haller of the Cortez Animal Clinic are pleased to announce that Dr. Martin D. McKean has joined their veterinary practice.


Dolores firemen answered two calls during the past week, one on Saturday night and one Monday afternoon.

The fire Saturday night was during the football game and despite the fact that the siren above town was not working and the firemen at the game could not hear the downtown siren, five men answered the call, which was to a portable grainery on Summit Ridge.

The siren above town was fixed after Empire Electric discovered a bird had made its nest inside the siren.


The oil and gas exploration well being drilled near Bean Canyon northeast of Dolores is still underway and below 8,000 feet this week. They are to drill to the Mississippi formation, which they found to be at a lower depth than expected.


Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: George W. Snyder celebrated a birthday with an open house in his home in Dove Creek on Sunday. Mr. Snyder loves to relate his many happy birthdays of his 94 years.

George was born Sept. 16, 1879, in Old San Miguel, the present site of Telluride. At the tender age of three weeks, George came to Rico on a pillow riding in the arms of his mother, riding sidesaddle on horseback.

George recalls well his first year in the first grade in Rico's first schoolhouse, now the Catholic Church. He loved his teacher and was really proud of his pretty red boots.


Friday evening, Ruth Ann Deal had a slumber and birthday party. Those attending were Trina Anderson, Melinda Brunner and Christy Rogers of Dolores. The girls enjoyed a spaghetti supper and ice cream and cake. Ruth Ann was 11 years old on Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Erich Froede and Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Rauh drove to the Dolores River Overlook on Wednesday and enjoyed the beautiful view again. This is not the first time for them and probably won't be the last. They recommend that everyone in the area should see the overlook at least one time.


Grand opening ceremonies at the new El Benado motel started with a ribbon cutting by Mayor V.T. Boyd, with owners Tom La France and Mary LaFrance. Hundreds of persons throughout the Four Corners toured the facilities and were served refreshments during the afternoon. Hostesses for the event were Mrs. Lynn Berry, Killeen, Texas; Mrs. W. W. Berry, just moving here from Killeen; Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. Don McQuaid Mrs. Art Nielson, Mrs. Fred Cline, Mrs. Clyde Steele, Mrs. Wayne Dennison, Mrs. Jim Stephens and Mrs. Lillian Hetrick, Glasgow, Montana, sister to Mr. LaFrance.


Here at the Star we wonder if we raise subscription prices what the reaction would be and may have to find out as the Post Office Department says the cost of mailing papers went up the first week of September. Let's just say we will probably have to do it and let you all take advantage of the old price for as long as we can hold out.