It is up to the American public to defend the places we love

In Southwest Colorado, our public lands are the backbone of our communities. The meandering Dolores River provides solitude and wilderness alongside grazing lands for local ranchers. Canyons...

A Roman history lesson

White to mate in 3 DIAG 1 In the late third century B.C., Hannibal’s army crossed the Swiss Alps on elephants and was marching inexorably toward Rome. The Roman dictator and general Fab...

A retreat from Democratic values: Vice President JD Vance’s Munich disgrace

In April 1928, Joseph Goebbels, later the Third Reich’s chief propagandist, wrote a newspaper essay addressing the question of why the National Socialists, despite being an “anti-parliamenta...

Why Emil Bove’s battle against Danielle Sassoon is so self-defeating

It was easy to predict that a diktat from Donald Trump’s Justice Department would, at some point in his second term, prompt resignations from career prosecutors with conservative legal bona ...

President Donald Trump’s policies put us in economic danger

Donald Trump’s platform was clear when he was running for president. He promised to make bold improvements – quickly raising revenue by imposing tariffs on foreign goods, slashing prices at ...

Finding the right angle

What is white’s best move? DIAG 1 Freestyle chess is now popular because of the abundance of knowledge about the standard starting position. It randomizes the opening and sidesteps memo...


DIAG 1 Why did the Bridge visit the counselor? It needed arch support. In this week’s position, white wins by constructing a bridge that allows its pawn to cross the board to its promot...

What’s the story on health care for Bloomfield?

A medical facility set up next to Kare Drug, but disappeared

Hitting the ground running on behalf of HD59

Here’s another update from the Capitol! It's been a cold January, but there’s been snow on the ground here in Denver that’s needed on the Western Slope. Every year, legislators spend the fir...

It’s cold, now what do I do?

Recently, at a New Year’s Day football game watch party, I was asked by someone what I wear to fly fish when the air temperature is 32 degrees. The answer to that question was a golf shirt,...

Inherding, ecologically informed grazing allows cattle to coexist with wolves

I’m excited for the future of ranching in Colorado and it’s because of wolves. Does that sound incongruent? It makes perfect sense, actually. It’s because cattle rancher Glenn Elzinga and hi...

This week in local history: A look back at the week Feb. 3-9

The following is a recap of local events for this time period throughout history. 25 years ago (2000) Citing lack of public support, members of the Farmington School Board Thursday shelved t...