Police blotter

Thursday, March 13 4:17 p.m. A man was arrested at White Eagle Inn, 2110 South Broadway, on a warrant. 9:28 p.m. A man was cited with theft at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., after attempting to ...

Sheriff’s blotter

Sunday, Feb. 9 5:19 a.m. A man allegedly stole a chain bracelet and flashlight valued at a total of $37 from Love’s Travel Stop, 7006 U.S. Highway 160 in Cortez. He fled the store and alleg...

Sheriff’s blotter

Saturday, March 1 6 p.m. A work truck allegedly backed into a parked vehicle at G-Whil Liquors, 24001 Road G. 2, and injured a passenger seated inside. The passenger said his arm and foot w...

Police blotter

Thursday, Feb. 27 12:36 p.m. A man was arrested on two warrants at City Market, 508 E. Main St. 2:26 p.m. A man was arrested near the Cortez Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road, on suspicion of...

Police blotter

Thursday, Feb. 20 10:57 a.m. A man allegedly was scammed $520 at City Market, 508 E. Main St., where he bought fake gold jewelry from a man and woman. The man paid the couple $20 in cash and...

Sheriff’s blotter

Tuesday, Feb. 4 8:10 p.m. A woman was tending to goats in the 21000 block of Road V in Lewis when someone broke into her truck. Nothing was taken, and she had a photo of the suspect. They ap...

Sheriff’s blotter

Tuesday, Dec. 3 8:13 a.m. The front glass window was broken, and a cabinet door removed, at Lone Heron Antiques, 202 Fourth St., in Dolores. It appeared that whoever broke the window likely ...

Police blotter

Thursday, Dec. 12 1:23 a.m. An officer took a report of a man disturbing the peace by playing his music loudly and possibly in violation of a protection order that states he shall not have c...

Police blotter

Thursday, Dec. 5 11:57 a.m. An officer cited a man with shoplifting and trespassing at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. 2:27 p.m. An officer cited a woman with trespassing at the Cortez Public Lib...

Sheriff’s blotter

Thursday, Nov. 26 4:21 p.m. A deputy took a report for a suspected theft from a woman in the 17100 block of Colorado Highway 145, Dolores. The woman told the deputy that a week before the p...

Sheriff’s blotter

Thursday, Oct. 24 1:04 p.m. A deputy took a report for an abandoned white 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 with expired registration in the 14300 block of County Road 22, Cortez. The report states that t...

Sheriff’s blotter

Monday, Nov. 18 2:52 p.m. A deputy took a report for a handgun theft in the 23500 block of County Road G.2. Wednesday, Nov. 20 8:50 a.m. A deputy took a report for a theft or a package from ...