
Our View: ‘Yes’ on 4A to fund Dolores education, slightly reduce taxes

Ballot Issue 4-A is a Mill Levy Override (MLO) advanced by the Dolores School District Board of Education to support teacher salaries, supplies and technology. This is not a new tax, rather ...

The seduction of scapegoating

Immigration has risen to the top of the issue list for a clear majority of Americans. For many voters, it is now more important than the economy, inequality, health care, education, housing,...

Our view: Lions, bobcats: Professionals know best

Vote ‘no’ on Proposition 127 in November

Trump has no idea of service members’ sacrifice

As a Vietnam combat veteran, seeing the pictures of Donald Trump at Arlington National Cemetery standing over the grave of a fallen hero with a smile on his face and a thumbs-up, made me ful...

Disinformation threatens our democracy; we need stronger defenses

The American voter is under siege by disinformation. This means you and me. We need stronger defenses. Politicians and their supporters have always exaggerated, always offered misinformation...

Wyoming shoots itself in the foot

This summer, the Biden administration offered Wyoming $35 million to help the state plug and clean up abandoned oil and gas wells. When Wyoming turned down the cash, it seemed hard to believ...

Vote ‘yes’ on Amendment 79

I hope you will join me in voting for Amendment 79 on our Colorado ballot this year. Amendment 79 is a chance for Colorado to restore in our state Constitution what the Supreme Court took aw...

Don’t cut sheriff’s department staffing

Let it be known to the citizens of Cortez and Montezuma County: The County Board of Commissioners is proposing and/or considering eliminating five deputy positions in the Sheriff’s Departmen...

Democracy at risk?

Earnest editorials in the Cortez Journal, as well as letters from President Biden and Bernie Sanders, are warning us democracy is at risk in the upcoming election. It may be, but not for the...

Our View: Cleave Simpson for Senate District 6

Cleave Simpson, the fourth generation San Luis Valley farmer who has represented counties from the Valley west to the Utah state line in the Colorado Senate for two years, began as an unknow...

Our View: Clark Craig for House District 59

Clark Craig has held a seat on all or almost all of the boards that shape Ignacio’s current and future activities, library, planning and town council, as well as La Plata County’s planning c...

Our View: Elect Kathleen Curry to House District 58

Kathleen Curry is looking to reenter representative government, campaigning to fill the 58th House District seat that is centered in Montrose County and extends south to include the northwes...
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