
Our View: Food aid workers best of us humans

Not providing security for them is a war crime

‘Sex is, in fact, binary’

Colorado state Rep. Brianna Titone is a transgendered woman, meaning she is a biological male. I have no problem with adults choosing adult life choices. There are many ways to express onese...

‘Personal blind spots: Untracked powder, my fear of missing out’

There’s a fine line between learning from the mistakes of others and shaming people for their ignorance. Twelve people have died in avalanches in the U.S. this winter, including an expert sk...

Our View: Smaller art projects as worthy as larger ones

The surprise of public art – whether murals on drab cinderblock walls or recycled metal twisted into something intriguing – gives places some pluck. Even better is when unexpected artistic g...

State budget: Do not follow rules well, it appears’

We must be thoughtful. Colorado’s budget is constitutionally required to be balanced, so last week, the House debated exactly how to do that. It’s never easy. The budget is called the “Long ...

Editorial cartoon

‘Who needs big city living?’

After growing up in a large city, Chicago, and graduating from college and teaching in a fair-sized western Michigan town, I moved to small-town Durango with more than a bit of trepidation. ...

‘Place country above party, extremism’

We are going to choose between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. I am concerned about the future survival of our democracy if Trump is given pre...

‘Importance of securing a source with absolute best water quality’

The unsung heroes of Colorado’s water sectors are the local public water providers. At the turn of the century, our town mothers and fathers repeatedly made strategic and visionary decisions...

Hollowed out hopes

daffodils rise from the ground i look for my heart to turn, figuratively, into a garden the painting where the anatomically accurate heart sprouts flowers. metaphorically, there are no more ...

‘Poetry takes only a mind looking for answers’

Poetry is first and foremost a connection between oneself and their world. Poetry, now more than ever, is incredibly important. It is vital to our understanding of our existence. When I read...

Trump officially ranked as ‘worst in history’

In a March 10 letter in The Durango Herald, a neighbor from Cortez referred to Joe Biden as “the worst POTUS in modern history.” A little perspective seems justified. Since taking office, Bi...
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