
‘Positive history of success’ at Carpenter Natural Area

Thirty-one years ago, my family and I led the initiative that resulted in Catharine Carpenter donating 80 acres to the city of Cortez for a natural area. From the beginning, our goals were t...

Rezoning ILC ‘against will of outspoken community’

Concerning the Carpenter Natural Area, I’ve been watching the steady influx of materials and equipment line the borders of the west entrance. It seems the rate and volume of occupancy at Ind...

What’s next? ‘Ouray’ Casino in Vegas?

In the recent article concerning the new Durango Casino in Las Vegas, I kind of had to chuckle. I was just talking with someone about this. Also, what others may not know is that in Las Vega...

‘Keep up good work, Lauren!’

We the people love the honorable U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert. Keep up the good work, Lauren! Nanette Heaney Pueblo ...

Editorial cartoon: Drew Litton

Editorial cartoon: Medals of dishonor

Editorial cartoon: New editor in town

Editorial cartoon: Another one?

Our View: Keep unaffiliated voting in primaries

It’s an interesting choice for attorney John Eastman to represent the Colorado GOP in its lawsuit to block unaffiliated voters from Republican primaries. The lawsuit alleges Proposition 108,...

‘Boebert had not done her homework’

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert recently asked to meet with the La Plata County commissioners. I attended this meeting. In her statements, Boebert asserted that Colorado, and by association La Plat...

Rezoning like snake fable with ‘little control’

The story is told of a hiker who was hiking where it was very cold. He looked down and saw a rattlesnake, which was unable to move because of the cold. The snake asked the hiker to take him ...

Editorial cartoon: Maui surfer

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