
‘Reducing trees by logging won’t preclude wildfire spread’

The Lahaina fire on the Hawaiian island of Maui offers some insights into why the current U.S. Forest Service policy of focusing on fuel reduction is misguided. The wildfire began in grassla...

Editorial cartoon: Wes Rowell

Our View: Trump should be on debate stage

“Enough about me” are words you’ll likely never hear coming from Donald Trump. Still, we insist that Trump run a presidential campaign focused on America’s problems, not his own. So why didn...

Need conservative voices at climate solution table

Discussion about climate change from conservative voices has been all over the map. On one edge of the conversation, we have former President Donald Trump saying: “I think global warming is...

Editorial cartoon: Wes Rowell

Core values: ‘Something has gone terribly wrong’

The city of Cortez’s Comprehensive Plan outlines directives for every government official to follow, clearly stating that all city government officials are to “be proactive in the prevention...

Our View: 1984’s Mountain Gravel v. City of Cortez reinforces ‘no’ to industrial rezone

Residents in north Cortez’s Montview neighborhood remembered hearing about a lawsuit won in the early 1980s in a fight against nearby industrial activity, similar to their quest to stop Inde...

When loved one becomes ‘someone I never knew’

Kim Martin and Chuck Carson described their experiences as caregiver and patient living with Alzheimer’s or related dementias on Aug. 13 in The Durango Herald. Every one of the 6 million Ame...

‘Deeply saddened racist sign/statue still standing’

Dear people of the Southwest, I recently moved back to Durango after several years, and was deeply saddened and shocked to learn that the racist sign/statue by the Toh-Atin Gallery in the he...

Industrial rezone: ‘Natural treasures over profit’

I urge the Cortez City Council to be more responsive to your community concerns and not change the zoning to industrial right next to the Carpenter Natural Area. Many people in this communit...

‘Positive history of success’ at Carpenter Natural Area

Thirty-one years ago, my family and I led the initiative that resulted in Catharine Carpenter donating 80 acres to the city of Cortez for a natural area. From the beginning, our goals were t...

Rezoning ILC ‘against will of outspoken community’

Concerning the Carpenter Natural Area, I’ve been watching the steady influx of materials and equipment line the borders of the west entrance. It seems the rate and volume of occupancy at Ind...
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