
Man sentenced after pleading guilty to assault of a minor

Kevin Lewis, 32, sent to prison for five years

Lake Nighthorse release answers questions about how water will move downstream

San Juan Water Commission receives report about last month’s test run

San Juan Regional Medical Center urges community to get back to Turquoise Level

Hospital recommends vaccines, practicing ‘tried-and-true COVID-safe practices’

San Juan County, N.M., regresses to Yellow Level

Under stricter guidelines, bars and clubs can no longer operate

Search dog on hunt for national certification

Isidore, 2-year-old Belgian Malinois, will win games of hide-and-seek

N.M. health department to open vaccine eligibility to those 16 and older

‘It doesn’t matter where you get the shot, just get it,’ doctor says

Farmington Electric Utility System launches design contest

Winner will receive $100 gift card to Target

New Mexico schools to offer optional standardized testing

Public Education Department granted districts choice on tests

Latter-day Saints to build new temple in Farmington

Temple will be the second in New Mexico

Four Corners Economic Development launches new website

Social media platforms were also revamped

Shiprock Search and Rescue lands drone of its own

Camera is equipped with thermal imaging

Woman pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter for child’s death

Tonya Mae Dale faces up to eight years in prison

Local Reporter

Liz Weber
New Mexico reporter


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