
3-D ‘well-represented by Boebert’

The guest column by Steve Mandell on July 31 in The Durango Herald begs for a response. First, it was completely unnecessary to admit that Mandell is biased. It is painfully obvious just by ...

Headlines show ‘our priorities’

The juxtaposition of the headlines in The Durango Herald on July 29, reporting $12M spent for a wildlife overpass and 400 unhoused county residents illustrates our priorities. Would they hav...

‘People complaining about gas, inflation’

My recent annoyance of the day: I went to Cortez to shop and saw at least five cars waiting at the drive-thru for the new coffee place to buy a coffee that would cost at least $5 a cup, if n...

Code talker Sandoval a hero

I was very saddened to learn of the passing of Navajo code talker Samuel Sandoval. I had the honor of introducing him at his talks at the Cortez Cultural Center for many years. The Navajo co...

‘Thousands of ditches nothing less than beloved’

Annette Choszczyk lives in rural western Colorado these days, but when she was a kid, the Highline Canal in Denver was her summer paradise. “To us, it was river and a playground, complete wi...

Biden ‘horrible for retirement funds’

The Thrift Savings Plan demonstrates the destruction of our economy. This quarter, all funds, except the G Fund, are losing by an average of -16.37%. Horrible for retirement funds. To apprec...

‘Language police,’ homeless and unhoused

Since the Language Police have made it illegal to use the word “homeless” and replaced it with “unhoused,” why do you use the term “homelessness?” You repeatedly use the term “homelessness” ...

Farms could be more water-wise

I was driving from our home in Dolores to Cortez at 2:30 p.m. on Friday. It was 93 degrees. At least two farms on the west side of Hwy 145 were running upright sprinkler systems. Does any of...

‘Pay (accordingly) for international educators’

RE: The editorial on Wednesday, “International teachers good hires.” Both my wife and I are retired international educators. We earned our degrees, a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, i...

Spend lodgers tax on parking garage

I actually live outside of Durango city limits. My wife and I buy “stuff” in Durango and frequent the restaurants in town. Why not spend the extra funds from the lodgers tax on a parking gar...

Take on Democratic Party logic, agenda

My take on Democratic Party logic. Shut down the timber industry in the Northwest to protect the nesting spotted owl. Stop pipeline construction in the Midwest to protect the nesting greater...

‘Reject un-American’ extremists’ conduct

Extremists are appearing at doorsteps of law abiding Colorado citizens and bullying people regarding the supposedly settled 2020 election. Is their goal to scare away voters that disagree wi...
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