
‘Sound minds’ could come to rescue

With former President Trump not taking a desperate second presidential term, without the illegal expected help from former Vice President Mike Pence, on the Jan. 6 insurrection, the move bac...

‘Seismic political rumblings alarming’

History in the making seems to be a matter of lulls and big events with undercurrents flowing all the time. In some ways, it’s like geology, where forces are at work but are not noticeable e...

4-H kids impressive at fair

We always enjoy going to the county fair in Cortez to see the animals on display. This year, we were even more impressed by the young girls and boys who had raised them. We were consistently...

Visitor ‘appalled’ by Cortez Cemetery

The primary purpose of my recent visit to Cortez was to spend time at the cemetery, placing flowers on the graves of parents, uncles and grandparents. I was appalled by the general condition...

‘Transgender a misnomer’

I have yet to find any biological evidence where either hormone treatments, surgery or any other kind of procedure can “entirely” transform an individual's gender from male to female or vice...

‘Welcome to the grit’

She left crying. Tears of dreadful worry and modest thanks for nothing more than validation. I wouldn't roll the dice on it happening in the first place, but this young woman's first few ste...

Conservative report: No election fraud

Eight prominent "political conservatives who have spent most of [their] adult lives working to support the Constitution," co-authored the recently released report entitled "Lost Not Stolen."...

‘Money in should equal money out’

My financial education boiled down to one thing growing up: Don't spend more than what you make. Money in should equal money out. I mistakenly thought that our government would know the same...

Listen to whistle for ‘train speak’

Train whistles are legal warning sounds given when they cross streets to alert drivers and pedestrians. When I lived in Durango on Third Avenue, I loved to listen to them coming back in the ...

Lindell remark ‘badge of honor’

Wow, that was quite the article on Aug. 1 on Mike Lindell, whipping up more lies about elections. He is one of those that acts as if you tell a big enough lie, loud enough and repeat it ofte...

3-D ‘well-represented by Boebert’

The guest column by Steve Mandell on July 31 in The Durango Herald begs for a response. First, it was completely unnecessary to admit that Mandell is biased. It is painfully obvious just by ...

Headlines show ‘our priorities’

The juxtaposition of the headlines in The Durango Herald on July 29, reporting $12M spent for a wildlife overpass and 400 unhoused county residents illustrates our priorities. Would they hav...
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