
‘Diversity a cover for racial quotas’

Diversity, equity and inclusion have become one of the top virtue-signaling banners among the leftist establishments and The Durango Herald has run several articles mentioning that DEI has f...

‘Give yourself a break’

You have to love yourself enough to give yourself a chance at a happy, healthy and productive life. Many “issues” are self-inflicted, so only you can make your future brighter. Today is a b...

‘Boebert darling of Russian state TV’

I read recently that our illustrious 3rd Congressional District Rep. Lauren Boebert is now the darling of Russian state TV that has hailed her as “brave” for ignoring Ukrainian President Zel...

‘Pettiness, spite of Boebert’

Oh, the pathetic-ness, pettiness and spite of U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert. With all her crowing about liberty, she just can’t find it in herself to acknowledge the heroism of the Ukrainian peop...

Boebert ‘affront to dignified behavior’

I was both angered and embarrassed to see our U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, sitting sullenly through the standing ovations during Volodymyr Zelensky’s impassioned speech at the Capitol on Wednes...

‘Don't force’ with cage-free law

In the Dec. 21editorial “Cage-free chickens law egg-xactly right,” The Durango Herald and The Journal got two things wrong. For one, cage-free chicken eggs do not taste better. Fresher eggs ...

Boebert ‘learned absolutely nothing’

After receiving the narrowest congressional reelection margin in the country, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert has apparently learned absolutely nothing. By refusing to stand or applaud the heroic U...

Lower rates, increase production

As I understand economics, prices inflate because the demand for things exceeds the supply. So, how to increase the supply of goods? Get investors to invest in more production and hire more ...

Boebert quiet on anti-Semitic activity

As a Jewish-American constituent, I am wondering why my Rep. Lauren Boebert has not seen fit to utter a word or put out a tweet regarding the increase in anti-Semitic activity currently unde...

Reusable bags a great gift

Are you still trying to figure out presents for your friends and family? Here's something that everyone in our state is going to need next year: reusable shopping bags! Yes, a new state law ...

‘Porch pirate’ package delivered

Last week, a nice young couple rang our doorbell and delivered a torn-open Fedex envelope that had important contents. The couple found our envelope, along with numerous scattered broken-ope...

Destroying environment to save it

This letter rebuts one on Sunday – online in The Journal and in print in The Durango Herald on the proposed solar installation in Hesperus. The truth about Primergy’s Hesperus Solar, whose 5...
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