

Democrats should find a better way to avenge Garland than opposing Gorsuch


Bipartisan ideas and compromise across the aisle are hallmarks of HB 1242

Realistic cap to the number of homegrown pot plants is the right approach

Realistic cap on number of pot plants grown at home is the right approach

Sunshine week celebrates access to public information, government actions

Let the full light of day shine down on the actions of our government

New city hall welcome, for staff and constituents

Congratulations to the City of Cortez on their new city hall south of the Cortez Recreation Center. Take a tour on Friday; you’ll be favorably impressed. This is a success story. ...

Bill to enable licenses for immigrants makes good sense

HB 1206 is a commonsense measure that makes all of us safer on the road

Power station closure carries impacts across region

Scheduled shutdown good news for air quality, but tough on area economies

An adjustment to Gallagher is needed to maintain local services amid plummeting revenue

An adjustment is needed to maintain local services amid plummeting revenue

Recreational pot

Amid other economic changes, Trump takes aim at growing state industry

Basing TABOR formula on state costs may be the best way forward

Basing formula on state costs may be the best way forward

Rural broadband

Industry’s right to local government broadband restrictions has expired

Nation’s 33rd president had many words of wisdom to offer our present 45th

Nation’s 33rd president had many words of wisdom to offer our present 45th
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