Montezuma County Historical Society

Hardscrabble and Montezuma’s orchard legacy

A look back at the county’s roots in the orchard business

Harry Longenbaugh recalls life in the Cortez area in early 1900s

A look back at neighbors and the mysterious Mr. Shumaker

Leopold Grasse’s Boot and Harness Shop in Cortez

Leopold Carl Gottfried Grasse (pronounced “Grassy”) and his wife, Augusta (nee Shoneboom) Grasse, came to Cortez about 1909. Both descended from German immigrants and spoke German as well as...

Dr. Royal W. Calkins, physician, surgeon, legislator and friend of the schools

Dr. Royal W. Calkins was born March 18, 1870, in Wyoming, Iowa. Lorilla Calkins Crowson shared her memories of her father in 1987. “As a boy, he moved with his family to the homes...

Looking Back: The early days and life of Montezuma County

Editor’s note: The following column is based on excerpts from a manuscript by Dora Pederson that was read at a Women’s Club Meeting in 1934.By The Montezuma County Historical Society ...

Mitchell Ranch in Cortez told secrets of a lost civilization

Early Montezuma County residents share history of the ancients

The uprising of Polk and Posey in 1915

Shooting leads posse from Cortez on manhunt to Bluff City

The pioneers and outlaws of McElmo Canyon

Part 2 The first record of irrigation in McElmo was 1888, and four ranches hold this priority. Most all the McElmo Canyon ranches hold early water rights. About 1928, John Miller ...

Walter Halls’ McElmo history

Editor’s note: Part 2 of Walter Hall’s McElmo History will appear in Looking Back article on Nov. 4.The first record of irrigation in McElmo Canyon was in 1888. Four ranches held this pr...

Looking Back Gymnasium built by students and interested people

In 1919, it was decided that to have a more complete athletic program, a gymnasium was needed. Money for the gym was collected from pledges of students and interested citizens. Pl...

The pioneering Lyntons left imprint on Southwest Colorado

Editor’s note: This article was provided by Pat Castle. It was printed in Volume Four of Great Sage Plain to Timberline “Our Pioneer History.” Castle’s grandfather was James Earl Lynton,...

The early days of Montezuma County: abundance and scarcity

Editor’s note: The following was read by Mrs. A. W. Dillon at the Pioneers’ Reunion on Sept. 4, 1908.The glint of gold first lured the prospector with the pick, shovel and pan strapped o...