Debi Tracy Olsen
Position: Special to Tri-City Record

Aztec writer draws on knowledge of metaphysics and Africa

Author pulls from her experience in the Sudan and Aztec for tales of mysteries and trees

Bloomfield Public Library hosts sound bath to ease trauma of Missing and Murdered

Library offers first in a series of free quarterly sound bath sessions

Bloomfield City Council approves zoning change for frack sand facility

Residents voice concerns; company appeals to city

B8D officials present plan for frack sand operation in Bloomfield

Company provides sweeping look at development

Bloomfield City Council postpones meeting on sand facility until Feb. 3

B8D seeks industrial use on two parcels zoned agricultural The date for the Bloomfield City Council to vote on the zoning change requested by B8D LLC has become a moving target since the com...

Proposed frack sand facility raises questions in Bloomfield

Bloomfield citizens question state agencies regarding regulations

Residents pack Bloomfield City Hall for meeting on sand project

Frack sand processing facility zone change request decision postponed

Bloomfield residents question B8D about fracking-sand operation

3-hour session becomes emotional as residents demand answers

B8D announces meeting about sand facility in Bloomfield

Meeting set for Saturday, Dec. 21

Bloomfield residents voice loud concerns about sand-processing facility

Planning and Zoning Commission votes to recommend City Council deny zoning change

Bloomfield provides safe option for anonymously surrendering newborns

Newly installed box is No. 9 in the state

Bloomfield library shares trial reading program is big success

30 minutes earned one library dollar for use in ‘library store’