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A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden's debate performance

NEW YORK (AP) — A sense of concern is growing inside the top ranks of the Democratic Party that leaders of Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee are not taking seriously...

GOP former Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, whose campaign wants to flip anti-Trump Republicans

NEW YORK (AP) — Republican former congressman Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Joe Biden on Wednesday, giving the Democrat a prominent new ally in his high-stakes campaign to win over moder...

Can Biden perform and can Trump be boring? Key questions ahead of high-stakes presidential debate

NEW YORK (AP) — Rarely, if ever, has one candidate in a presidential debate had so much material to use against the other. Republican Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felony counts with...

How Biden and Trump are taking very different approaches to preparing for next week's debate

NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades. The 81-year-...

Trump dwarfs Biden in latest fundraising numbers in show of political force after felony convictions

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump's campaign outraised President Joe Biden by more than $60 million last month, according to federal filings made public Thursday that detailed the Republican fund...