Tobie Baker
Position: Staff reporter

Girl Scout advocates new status quo

Ninth-grader’s project earns Silver Award

Suspect in attempted murder is denied child visitation

With attempted murder charges pending, a Cortez man has been denied visitation with his daughter. At a scheduled preliminary hearing on Wednesday, Oct. 7, public defender Sara Hil...

Bridge shelter reopens Monday

Shelter provides lodging, meals

Ute Mountain Ute teens tackle filmmaking

World premiere held at Sunflower Theatre

Towaoc blaze displaces 7 families

Seven families were displaced Saturday after a fire destroyed an apartment complex in Towaoc. “There were no injuries,” said Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Chairman Manuel Heart. ...

International film fest thrills Cortez crowds

And the winner is… Announced on Monday, the Gold Medal winning film in the 18th Annual Manhattan Short Film Festival was “Bis Gleich.” The 15-minute German film, which translates ...

Officer uncovers outdoor ganja grow

Man says he lives in a tent to protect his plants

U.S. official confirms investigation on Ute Mountain Ute reservation

A U.S. Justice Department spokesperson has confirmed that federal officials are actively investigating a case on the Ute Mountain Ute reservation southwest of Cortez. After receiv...

Ute elections are next week

A total of nine candidates are seeking election to one of two three-year terms on the Ute Mountain Ute tribal council. The election, open to tribal members 18 and older, is held ...

Board revisits retired M-CHS

Old high school at center of talks

Area kids face hardships

Montezuma County ranks last in annual Kid’s Count report

Lt. Gov. Garcia reads to area preschoolers

Colorado commemorates Literacy Week