Rebecca Samulski
Position: Staff reporter

Growing numbers of men jobless by choice or pain

WASHINGTON – The work ethic is such a central part of the American character that it’s hard to imagine it fading. But that’s what seems to be happening in one important part of the labor for...

Odd couple, but Trump should pick Mitt for State

Trump is Trump, meaning he moves easily from one position to another. And politics are politics. Things are said. Things are unsaid. WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump’s fl...

Pay little attention to all the post-election hype

WASHINGTON – Elections regularly inspire an orgy of hype – and so it is with this one. The Democrats are in disarray, it’s said. Unless they’re enormously skillful or lucky, they...

Living in a bubble even in a small town

In my small town in Southwest Colorado, those who did not vote for Donald Trump seemed numbed and stunned by the result. Mostly college-educated and originally from away, they grouped in the...

Health care consumers get little help resolving complaints

Who protects patients when things go wrong on healthcare’s financial side? What happens when you receive a bill you didn’t expect and can’t afford to pay? What happens when insure...

Privatize public lands? Start with grazing fees

By Andrew Gulliford Writers on the Range We’ve all heard the refrain from those who distrust and disparage the federal government: Give the nation’s public lands back t...

Building Community on the Road to Living with Wildfire

By Pam Wilison In preparation for an upcoming Fire Adapted Communities Workshop I was asked to prepare a short presentation on what drives me to do this job. The answer really gel...

Thinking About Health Women’s life span falling in rural America

Those of us who grew up in small rural communities in the 1950s and ’60s, expected to have longer life spans than our parents. The trends were in our favor. White women born in 19...

Lucky student gardeners work alongside first lady

I was sitting down to the computer, getting ready to write this article, when some pretty phenomenal news came across my email: Four local gardeners were going to the White House in Washingt...

Arguing for bikes in wilderness wastes your time

By Tim Lydon Writers on the Range I shouldn’t be writing this, and you shouldn’t be reading it. Far more pressing issues face our public lands. But a vocal minority is ...

Feels like spring out there; time to attend to fruit trees

Abnormal. Somewhat strange. A bit peculiar with an air of absurdity. No, this isn’t how my kids describe their dad or a way to describe the 2016 Chicago Cubs, the odds-on favorit...

Thinking About Health Can shopping for services really bring down costs?

Early in December, David, a reader who lives in the foothills west of Denver, sent me an email. “It’s scary when you go into any health-care facility and don’t know whether to bri...