Rebecca Samulski
Position: Staff reporter

I think the Wizard of Oz is in the White House

WASHINGTON – With near unanimity, my never-Trump friends confess a sense of relief. It could have been worse. They thought it would be worse. A deep apprehension still endures bu...

Government being redefined by aging, health costs

WASHINGTON – I have been writing for some time – not years, but decades – that we are slowly turning the federal government into an old-age and health care agency. The relentless ...

Samuelson: There are numerous reasons our taxes will go up

WASHINGTON – Let’s be clear: America is an undertaxed society. Our wants and needs from government – the two blur – exceed our willingness to be taxed. This has been true for decades, but it...

With North Korea, we do have some cards to play

WASHINGTON – The crisis with North Korea may appear trumped up. It’s not. Given that Pyongyang has had nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles for more than a decade, why the panic...

Sen. Gardner, protect our farming communities

As farmers in the Mancos Valley who spend an inordinate amount of time outside, we are extremely concerned about the potential roll-back of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Methane and Wa...

Trump’s two-track foreign policy may yield benefits

WASHINGTON — At the heart of Donald Trump’s foreign policy team lies a glaring contradiction. On the one hand, it is composed of men of experience, judgment and traditionalism. M...

The case of the cover-up in search of a crime

WASHINGTON — It’s a Watergate-era cliche that the cover-up is always worse than the crime. In the Mike Flynn affair, we have the first recorded instance of a cover-up in the absence of a cri...

Our recreation economy depends upon public lands and the president

We are fortunate to live in Southwest Colorado, surrounded by a rugged and natural landscape that provides us opportunities not seen in many parts of the country. Not only do visi...

While legal, travel ban unnecessary and damaging

“WASHINGTON — Stupid but legal. Such is the Trump administration’s travel ban for people from seven Muslim countries. Of course, as with almost everything in American life, what ...

Trump’s foreign policy revolution risks greatness

WASHINGTON — The flurry of bold executive orders and of highly provocative Cabinet nominations (such as a secretary of education who actually believes in school choice) has been encouraging ...

Fixing health care requires repeal of Obamacare

By Ken Buck, Doug Lamborn and Scott Tipton Two weeks into 2017, it is clearer than ever that fixing our nation’s health care system will require a full repeal of President Obama’s...

True verdict on Obama administration years away

WASHINGTON – It is far too early to render final judgment on the Obama presidency. All the chatter about his “legacy” overlooks two obvious realities. The significance of Obama w...