Peter Marcus
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (720), 891-8280

Bennet pledges to chip at D.C. dysfunction if re-elected

DENVER – Democrat Michael Bennet is hoping for another six years in the U.S. Senate to continue to chip away at the “dysfunction” in Washington, D.C. It might seem odd for a memb...

Prop 106 decides aid-in-dying medication in Colorado

Opponents concerned about abuse, coercion from family members

Darryl Glenn says he is the leader needed in U.S. Senate

DENVER – Republican Darryl Glenn is running for U.S. Senate because he is worried about the future for his two daughters. Glenn sees national security as perhaps the greatest conc...

No meeting with Glenn during Trump’s Colorado stops

U.S. Senate candidate Glenn says he will still vote for Trump

Amendment 70 seeks to gradually raise minimum wage

Voters asked to raise the floor to $12 an hour by 2020

Tobacco tax hike dollars would go to health programs

Opponents say changing formula would be difficult

ColoradoCare would create universal health care payment system

Opponents say residents would end up paying more for health care

Amendment would benefit ranchers, rafting companies

Measure would give exemption on using government-owned property

Amendment aims to strike slavery language from Colorado Constitution

Concerns enslavement as punishment

Scott Tipton, J. Paul Brown stick with Donald Trump

After lewd tape revealed, others in state GOP jumping ship

Scott Tipton seeks fourth term in Congress

Coal should be in the mix, congressman says

Trump says he ‘brilliantly used’ tax laws

Hundreds in Pueblo cheer his business survival tactics