Nick Bowlin

New Mexico’s displaced coal miners have gotten the shaft on severance pay

The state’s just transition plans promised by the Energy Transition Act haven’t panned out for many workers

Hunting and fishing provide food security amid virus outbreak

But virus fears and travel restrictions could impact big game season in the fall.

How BLM really feels about move West

Leaked audio is filled with fumbles by leadership, disapproving rumbles and derisive laughter

Sage grouse vulnerable to climate

Birds are especially susceptible to changing weather patterns

Hunters and anglers struggle for public access to Colorado’s state trust lands

Compared with its neighbors, the state limits public recreation, but that is changing

U.S. Forest Service may limit public comments

Under President Donald Trump, federal agencies have chipped away at the reviews and permitting required under the National Environmental Policy Act, one of the nation’s bedrock environmental...

The West’s worst fires aren’t burning in forests

Range fires get bigger every year, threatening sagebrush habitat and rural towns