Journal Staff

Dolores school board approves move to four-day week

District hopes move will help attract quality teacher candidates

Dolores considers stipends for board members

CDOT plans two projects for town

Newly remodeled Columbine Bar & Grill set to open next month

Family-oriented restaurant to offer family-friendly menu and local beers, ciders

Advocates seek help for 30 people evicted from Cortez motel

Mesa Verde Inn evictions were needed to repair buildings, officials say

Storms continue to trickle through Four Corners

Drip, drip storm pattern keeps winter at average so far

No spring cleanup events this year in Cortez

Potential September cleanup will be evaluated

Cortez to consider purchase of new body cameras, Tasers for police

State law requires all officers to have body cameras by July 2023

Navajo races to be held virtually

In-person events will return when pandemic recedes

Montezuma County sees widespread reports of unemployment fraud

Nearly 60 reports of identity theft since January

Native American tribes deliver vaccines to broader community

Clinics on Ute Mountain Ute and Navajo land offered vaccinations to any adult

Applications being accepted for Dean Hanson Memorial Scholarship

Deadline extended to May 1

DA offers plea deal in Cortez stabbing case

If accepted, Wheat faces up to 12 years in prison