Jonathan Romeo
Position: Staff reporter

As beetle kill spreads, will the drive from Durango to Silverton resemble Wolf Creek Pass?

Aerial survey reveals expanding areas of dead trees

Report: Tax increase needed to keep La Plata County afloat

Budget cuts won’t make up forecast deficit

Misjudgments led to fatal avalanche on Red Mountain Pass, report says

A combination of factors contributed to Red Mountain Pass death

Shutdown’s impacts hit Southwest Colorado

Furloughed employees, delayed projects take toll

Police looking for man suspected of stabbing, shooting at Iron Horse Inn

Incident occurred in north Durango

Study: Most Durangoans do not lock their bear-resistant trash cans

Some say city needs to be more proactive with enforcing ordinance

Has La Plata County shed its purple skin?

Voting data from midterms indicate county taking blue turn

U.S. Highway 160 clear around Bayfield after two closures

Crashed semi truck and van closed highway about 5 miles east of town

Superintendent reprimanded for using work email to air ‘personal agenda’

9-R superintendent must have select emails reviewed and approved before sending

Drivers can expect lengthy closures Tuesday on Red Mountain, Wolf Creek passes

Purgatory Resort reporting 12 inches of new snow

Fatal avalanche involved students with Silverton Avalanche School

Six backcountry skiers taking part in safety course were caught, one died

Sled dog racers hope third time is a charm for race

After two years of cancellations, conditions look promising for 2019