Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Southwest Basin water plan update seeks public comment

Plans outline water management in Southwest Colorado

Local and statewide issues on Nov. 2 ballot

Local questions include Cortez and Dolores school boards, and Mancos Fire Protection District

Logging project adjusted to reduce truck traffic into Dolores and expand trail buffer

A portion of truck routes will directed away from town; trails get larger buffer zone

Colorado painter shares a lifetime of artwork in new book

Dolores Public Library will host Jan Thoreen Lewis exhibit in December

Update: Cyclist who died of heart attack south of Cortez is identified

Cyclist found unresponsive on Road G; cause of death listed as heart attack

Pumpkin Fest will celebrate Halloween in Cortez

Piñon Project event is Oct. 30 at Montezuma Park

Number of COVID cases jumps in Montezuma County

Most of the outbreaks occur in Cortez and Dolores schools

Suspect in shooting near Kemper Elementary is arrested in Arizona

Tip to Cortez police leads to apprehension on Navajo Nation

Pandemic surge forces local court proceedings to go virtual

Jury trials suspended until further notice

COVID-19 outbreak reported at Montezuma County jail; intake of inmates limited

DA critical of order waiving arrests in favor of summons

Photos: Snowstorm arrives in Southwest Colorado

Drivers distracted by slushy roads, epic fall scenery in Dolores River Valley

Mancos public housing warms up with new heating system

Fundraiser needed to upgrade heat at low-income Menefee Apartments