Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

No plea bargain yet in Roatcap Fire case

District Court Judge Todd Plewe was skeptical of a plea bargain presented by prosecutors for a man charged with starting a wildfire south of Dolores. Roger “Bucky” Stratton, 54, h...

No turn, no signs

Barriers <br/>removed at<br/>subdivision

Rule case remains under investigation

It’s been five months since law enforcement searched the home and property of former Montezuma County commissioner Larrie Rule as part of an auto theft investigation. A few weeks ago, law en...

Touching history twice

Lindig gets second opportunity to hold Wetherill Mesa artifacts

Calendar change proposed

Re-4A committee: <br/>Schedule supposed to continue

Touching history twice

Lindig gets second opportunity to hold Wetherill Mesa artifacts

City starts water limits

Meter readers<br/>will watch for<br/>infractions

Internet upgrades

City, county, Re-1<br/>will freshen up<br/>their websites

Shoults to change embezzlement plea

Former Office Outpost employee charged with wire fraud, tax evasion

Local film ‘GloryKilling’ about youth, violence

A gang of rogue, blood-stained filmmakers has been carousing around Cortez shooting video for a low-budget horror flick. Josh Mason, a Dolores native and former sociology instruct...

Re-4A revamps construction plans

Estimated costs for new construction can be a blurry view, and often when the actual prices come into focus, there is a sense of sticker shock. That is what happened to Dolores s...

Despite amendment, pot still illegal on federal lands

Colorado has legalized the recreational use of marijuana, but those who toke up on federal lands, including Mesa Verde National Park, are risking a citation. "It's illegal at the ...